From land and sea… that is the message that Lea Artibai sends to the world, a small region, connected to the land and the Cantabrian Sea that has fed us for years.

Lekeitio, Ispaster, Mendexa, Amoroto, Gizaburuaga, Aulesti, Munitibar, Ondarroa, Berriatua, Markina-Xemein, Etxebarria and Ziortza-Bolibar… these are names that recall thousands of dreams and a thousand ways of living, all expressed through local people, landscapes and villages which are

Lea Artibai are small hidden valleys, where the water of the streams has painted paths leading you to the sea. Waves are sculpted coastlines, where beaches, marshes and cliffs are drawn to their shores. They are fishing ports, farm districts, apple orchards and vineyards, cows, sheep grazing and hidden orchards, special cress tomatoes, fresh fish from the open sea (high)… the appetite of traditions in a place where time has stopped.

The sound of the siren is heard… it’s the fish brought to the port, setting the pulse of the town: it has to be unloaded, to the cabins, to the fishmongers…

It’s long.. it’s the day to prune the apple trees, put in the vegetables or gather the mushrooms.

Lea Artibai has been able to preserve its cultural heritage for thousands of years, we can notice all this by walking through the quiet canals of the rivers full of dams and nostalgic bridges, strolling along the beaches, seeing the quaint ports, looking at the sea from the cliffs and peaks, sometimes calm and sometimes angry.

Lea Artibaikos are still connected to this sea and land, they offer us marmitas, fresh vegetables, fish of the day, preserves, cakes that explain the history, wines and ciders that have been traveling across the sea for centuries… We can find all these in the shops, in the remains of the landscape, in our everyday life, because they are in our lives, related to who we are and what we want to spread.

Discover Lea-Artibai

Artibai Valley

The Artibai river basin is the most oriental in Biskaia and it extends in a south-to-northeast direction. Practically the whole of the length of the river has been integrated in the space, from its source in Mount to its mouth in the fishing village of Ondarroa.

Lea Valley

The source of the river Lea is in Oiz mountain, and it ends in the marshes of the old sea mill called Maria Errota. On its journey it wets lands of great natural beauty and a low population density. Apart from being one of the cleanest rivers in Biscay, its water is drinkable in the whole of its length.

The mountain

Oiz to the south, Iluntzar to the east and Kalamua to the west are the three peaks that stand out in this mountainous region, guardians of the farmhouses and green fields that surround them.


Who doesn't know the famous "Boga, Boga, Mariñela", a composition that has practically become the official anthem of these lands? In Lea Artibai we can find many styles of music in concerts that are organized as well as in musical events.



Haran estu eta sakonak zeharkatzen dituzten hainbat eta hainbat ibilbide daude egokituta mendizale nahiz ibiltarientzat. Malkartsuak, lauak, laburrak, luzeak...


Kostaldeko ur-ertzean etengabe sartu eta irteten diren amildegien artean hareak azaleratutako hondartza ederrak aurkituko ditugu.


Eskualdeko herrien izaera ulertzeko, murgildu zaitez galtzada-harrizko kale historikoetatik, jauregi eta dorretxe dotoreen paretek asko baitute esateko.


Kirolzaleek nekez aurkituko dute paisaia aproposagorik urpeko irteerak egiteko, piraguan ibiltzeko edo eta SUP stand up paddlea praktikatzeko taula gainean.

Practical information

